
2025February 13 -

10,000 times a day

2月13日(Buddha Annihilation)本日は一粒万倍日です。一粒万倍日とは「種籾(たねもみ)一粒から一本のイネができ、このイネから万倍もの数のお米が穫れること」。すなわち「わずかなものが飛躍的に増えること」。この日に始めたことは、やがて大きな成果を上げると考えられることから、一粒万倍日は「何かを始めるのに最適な日」とされてます。参拝にふさわしい日です。氏神様や崇敬している神社にお参りしてみてはいかがでしょう。縁起の良い日にぜひお参りいただき、その証をお受けいただければと存じます。一粒万倍日御朱印(800円)一粒万倍開運守(1200円)また掛川城にて同じサイズで一粒万倍日の御城印がございます。掛川城と龍尾神社の関係は古く、掛川城天守閣のある山が龍頭山(りゅうとうざん)龍尾神社の山が龍尾山そして掛川城の鬼門を守護、鎮座しているという事 歴代の城主から崇敬を受け中でも山内一豊公との縁は四国に国替わりされてからも続きました。縁のあるお城と神社の縁起のいい証を受けてみてはどうでしょうか。遠州八重神玉遠州八重神玉御朱印御刻印Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


10,000 times a day

2月6日(Prior to Loss)本日は一粒万倍日です。一粒万倍日とは「種籾(たねもみ)一粒から一本のイネができ、このイネから万倍もの数のお米が穫れること」。すなわち「わずかなものが飛躍的に増えること」。この日に始めたことは、やがて大きな成果を上げると考えられることから、一粒万倍日は「何かを始めるのに最適な日」とされてます。参拝にふさわしい日です。氏神様や崇敬している神社にお参りしてみてはいかがでしょう。縁起の良い日にぜひお参りいただき、その証をお受けいただければと存じます。一粒万倍日御朱印(800円)一粒万倍開運守(1200円)また掛川城にて同じサイズで一粒万倍日の御城印がございます。掛川城と龍尾神社の関係は古く、掛川城天守閣のある山が龍頭山(りゅうとうざん)龍尾神社の山が龍尾山そして掛川城の鬼門を守護、鎮座しているという事 歴代の城主から崇敬を受け中でも山内一豊公との縁は四国に国替わりされてからも続きました。縁のあるお城と神社の縁起のいい証を受けてみてはどうでしょうか。遠州八重神玉遠州八重神玉御朱印御刻印Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

2025February 4, 2010

Tatsuno Day

24 May(先勝)は「たつの日」です。龍尾神社ではたつの日参りと称し、特別な御朱印、お守りをご用意いたします。現在授与している全ての御朱印台紙の印が「たつの日」仕様になります。たつの日御朱印(300Yen) (500 yen) (600 yen) (600 yen) Tatsuno Day Limited "Luck Ki Protection" (1000 yen) This luck protection is made of hemp, and hemp is a filth that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, or seawater(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the . I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction. Enshu Yae God Ball Engraved LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

2025January 23 -

Tatsuno Day

1May 23(Daan) is the "day of the tatsu". At Tatsuo Shrine, we will prepare a special red seal and amulet called Tatsuno no Hi Visit. All the seals on the red seal mounts that are currently awarded will be made to the "Tatsuno Day" specification. Tatsunohi Imperial Seal(300Yen) (500 yen) (600 yen) (600 yen) Tatsuno Day Limited "Luck Ki Protection" (1000 yen) This luck protection is made of hemp, and hemp is a filth that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, or seawater(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the . I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction. Enshu Yae God Ball Engraved LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

2025January 22 -

10,000 times a day

1May 22(Buddha Annihilation)Today is 10,000 times the day. A 10,000-fold day means that a single grain of rice can be grown from a single seed paddy, and 10,000 times more rice can be harvested from this rice. In other words, "a small amount increases dramatically." What you start on this day is considered to be a great achievement in the future, so the 10,000-fold day is considered to be the best day to start something. Today is a triple lucky day that overlaps with "10,000 times a grain day", "Mitsu", which has the meaning of fullness and is satisfied with anything, and "God's Good Day", which is perfect for Shinto festivals. It is a good day to worship. Why don't you visit the shrine you revere? We hope that you will visit us on an auspicious day and receive the testimony. 10,000 times the red seal (800 yen) 10,000 times good luck(1200In addition, at Kakegawa Castle, there is a castle seal of 10,000 times the same size and 10,000 times. The relationship between Kakegawa Castle and Tatsuo Shrine is old, and the mountain where the castle tower of Kakegawa Castle is located is Mt. Ryutozan, and the mountain of Tatsuo Shrine protects and enshrines Mt. Tatsuo and the demon gate of Kakegawa Castle. Why don't you receive the auspicious testimony of the castle and shrine that you have a relationship with? Enshu Yae God Ball Engraved LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

2025January 19, 2010

10,000 times a day

1May 19(First win)Today is 10,000 times the day. A 10,000-fold day means that a single grain of rice can be grown from a single seed paddy, and 10,000 times more rice can be harvested from this rice. In other words, "a small amount increases dramatically." What you start on this day is considered to be a great achievement in the future, so the 10,000-fold day is considered to be the best day to start something. Today is a triple lucky day that overlaps with "10,000 times a grain day", "Mitsu", which has the meaning of fullness and is satisfied with anything, and "God's Good Day", which is perfect for Shinto festivals. It is a good day to worship. Why don't you visit the shrine you revere? We hope that you will visit us on an auspicious day and receive the testimony. 10,000 times the red seal (800 yen) 10,000 times good luck(1200In addition, at Kakegawa Castle, there is a castle seal of 10,000 times the same size and 10,000 times. The relationship between Kakegawa Castle and Tatsuo Shrine is old, and the mountain where the castle tower of Kakegawa Castle is located is Mt. Ryutozan, and the mountain of Tatsuo Shrine protects and enshrines Mt. Tatsuo and the demon gate of Kakegawa Castle. Why don't you receive the auspicious testimony of the castle and shrine that you have a relationship with? Enshu Yae God Ball Engraved LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

2025January 10 -

Tatsuno Day

Tomorrow, January 11(Daan) is the "day of the tatsu". At Tatsuo Shrine, we will prepare a special red seal and amulet called Tatsuno no Hi Visit. All the seals on the red seal mounts that are currently awarded will be made to the "Tatsuno Day" specification. Tatsunohi Imperial Seal (300Yen) (500 yen) (600 yen) (600 yen) Tatsuno-day limited "Luck Ki Protection" (1000 yen) This luck guard is made of hemp, and hemp is a defilement that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, and seawater(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the . I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction. Enshu Yae Kamitama 御刻印 LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

2025January 10 -

10,000 times a day

1月10日(Buddha Annihilation)Today is 10,000 times the day. A 10,000-fold day means that a single grain of rice can be grown from a single seed paddy, and 10,000 times more rice can be harvested from this rice. In other words, "a small amount increases dramatically." What you start on this day is considered to be a great achievement in the future, so the 10,000-fold day is considered to be the best day to start something. Today is a triple lucky day that overlaps with "10,000 times a grain day", "Mitsu", which has the meaning of fullness and is satisfied with anything, and "God's Good Day", which is perfect for Shinto festivals. It is a good day to worship. Why don't you visit the shrine you revere? We hope that you will visit us on an auspicious day and receive the testimony. 10,000 times the red seal (800 yen) 10,000 times good luck(1200In addition, at Kakegawa Castle, there is a castle seal of 10,000 times the same size and 10,000 times. The relationship between Kakegawa Castle and Tatsuo Shrine is old, and the mountain where the castle tower of Kakegawa Castle is located is Mt. Ryutozan, and the mountain of Tatsuo Shrine protects and enshrines Mt. Tatsuo and the demon gate of Kakegawa Castle. Why don't you receive the auspicious testimony of the castle and shrine that you have a relationship with? Enshu Yae God Ball Engraved LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

2025January 7 -

10,000 times a day

1Feb 7(First win)It is the first 10,000-fold day in the 7th year of Reiwa. A 10,000-fold day means that a single grain of rice can be grown from a single seed paddy, and 10,000 times more rice can be harvested from this rice. In other words, "a small amount increases dramatically." What you start on this day is considered to be a great achievement in the future, so the 10,000-fold day is considered to be the best day to start something. We hope that you will visit us on an auspicious day and receive the testimony. 10,000 times the red seal (800 yen) 10,000 times good luck(1200In addition, at Kakegawa Castle, there is a castle seal of 10,000 times the same size and 10,000 times. The relationship between Kakegawa Castle and Tatsuo Shrine is old, and the mountain where the castle tower of Kakegawa Castle is located is Mt. Ryutozan, and the mountain of Tatsuo Shrine protects and enshrines Mt. Tatsuo and the demon gate of Kakegawa Castle. Why don't you receive the auspicious testimony of the castle and shrine that you have a relationship with? Enshu Yae God Ball Engraved LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.