Tatsuno Day
2025January 10 -
Tomorrow, January 11(Daan) is the "day of the tatsu".
At Tatsuo Shrine, we will prepare a special red seal and amulet called Tatsuno no Hi Visit.
All the seals on the red seal mounts that are currently awarded will be made to the "Tatsuno Day" specification.
Tatsunohi Imperial Seal


(500 yen)

(600 yen)

(600 yen)
Tatsuno Day Limited "Luck Protection" (1000 yen)
This luck guard is made of hemp, and hemp is a defilement that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, or seawater.(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the .
I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction.

Enshu Yae Jindama

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At Tatsuo Shrine, we will prepare a special red seal and amulet called Tatsuno no Hi Visit.
All the seals on the red seal mounts that are currently awarded will be made to the "Tatsuno Day" specification.
Tatsunohi Imperial Seal


(500 yen)

(600 yen)

(600 yen)
Tatsuno Day Limited "Luck Protection" (1000 yen)
This luck guard is made of hemp, and hemp is a defilement that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, or seawater.(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the .
I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction.

Enshu Yae Jindama
