Tatsuno Day
Today, December 18(仏滅)は「たつの日」です。
At Tatsuo Shrine, we will prepare a special red seal and amulet called Tatsuno no Hi Visit.
Tatsunohi Imperial Seal(300JPY)

Tatsuno Day Limited "Luck Protection" (1000 yen)
This luck guard is made of hemp, and hemp is a defilement that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, or seawater.(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the .
I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction.

Enshu Yae Jindama

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At Tatsuo Shrine, we will prepare a special red seal and amulet called Tatsuno no Hi Visit.
Tatsunohi Imperial Seal(300JPY)

Tatsuno Day Limited "Luck Protection" (1000 yen)
This luck guard is made of hemp, and hemp is a defilement that cannot be exorcised even with salt, water, or seawater.(Withering)It is a very auspicious plant that exorcises the .
I pray that the defilement of those who have received the divine majesty will be exorcised and that their luck will turn in a good direction.

Enshu Yae Jindama
